Architects of Communication Scholarship - Brenda Allen on the Contributions to the Study of Difference

This episode features Professor Brenda J. Allen in conversation with her friend, Professor Karen Ashcraft. They discuss Professor Allen’s background and research on different studies. Professor Allen also comments on her contributions to this field, her influential multi-edition book “Difference Matters”, and her philosophy and practice as a presenter.

Ellen Wartella
Brenda Allen
Karen Ashcraft

More from the host & speakers: 
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani Professor of Communication | Professor of Psychology, Human Development and Social Policy, and Medical Social Sciences
Northwestern University 
Twitter: @CMHD_NU

Professor Emerita, Department of Communication
University of Colorado Denver
Twitter: @TheBrendaJAllen
Facebook: Brenda J. Allen
Instagram: dr.brendajallen

Professor of Department of Communication
College of Media, Communication & Information (CMCI)
University of Colorado Boulder
Copy and Audio Editors:
Lacie Yao

Executive Producer:
DeVante Brown

Architects of Communication Scholarship - Brenda Allen on the Contributions to the Study of Difference
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